Thursday, August 03, 2006

We had our first football training yesterday, and again today. If ever there was a word so exponential in its quantity as to be infinite used to describe pain, I wish it'd been invented sooner. Just about every muscle is responding to a three-year slumber, for so long have they not been stretched and pulled in the manner that they were. Worst of all, my previously held assumptions about my stamina were found to have been sorely misplaced. Many questions were asked about the quality of my fitness these past two days, and I have to say I failed to answer them.

In case you, the reader, have forgotten, I and several friends have formed a team to participate in UQ's seven-a-side league. This was really the house's idea, as in my housemates', and as passionate supporters of sporting play, we aim to take this endeavour in full seriousness. My Mexican housemate Gabriel took it upon himself to organise and coach the team, being the most experienced in these matters. Whilst many would say that they'd only play for kickabout's sake, Gabriel always has been a passionate advocate of the notion that to really enjoy the game is to play it properly. In no way trying to embiggen my friend's profile, I have to say Gabriel is the most professional amateur player I have ever met. True, he has the experience and skills, but there's a determination about the guy that would drive any dedicated team on, and his effervescence motivated the rest of the house to take up football, in my case, again.

It must be said that Gabriel is the best possible type of trainer. He had identified my [and other team-mates'] weakpoints as to be in the fitness sector and has immediately set about correcting that. The last two training sessions have been entirely dedicated to impoving fitness and stamina with less emphasis on ball skills. It was never designed to be easy, and thinking about it I can see Gabriel's point. We paid $50 each to play a team game, and it would be a waste of money and a letdown for ourselves and others if we play a shit game.

In this manner football reflects life. Doing one's best equates to making life better for oneself and others. Okay, maybe it would be idealistic and an unnecessary stress to aim to simply be the best, but constantly striving to be better is alwats important, and with that in mind, why would it be so difficult to be the best? Shortchanging oneself would only lead to letting oneself down, and even more importantly, letting down the people around one who are counting on a good performance. Me? I know I'm not the best, and with my deficiencies physiologically speaking I probably never will be, but I now have a chance to work in a team, and contribute to a collective effort. This is my challenge, and I'm grateful to Gabriel and the rest for giving me a chance to try my best and make a difference. Here's to, The Offsiders!


At 10:16 PM , Blogger ccm said...

Hey Russell!..

how are u? I just happened to ponder onto your blog! WOW!!!

I had to read your blog to make sure I was talking to the right person! yay..

btw it's chu may here..


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